Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Our wild colonial autistic boy

We have been waiting such a long time for the opportunity to see one of our most favourite Aussie bands live. In the past touring has been something of a pain in the bum for their autistic frontman Craig Nicholls, but The Vines have got their shit together at last and it was most definitely worth the wait. I can think of no finer way to start the day at the Big Day Out than listening to The Vines pounding out their most ferocious hits such as Ride and Get Free for an enthusiastic mid-morning crowd, then enjoying the spectacle of Nicholls on a slow-motion rampage, destroying his guitar then methodically trashing the drum kit piece by piece, leaving the drummer, who has a remarkably calm temperament, to make the most of whatever he had left to work with. Nicholls won no brownie points at all for demonstrating respect for property or for having well-groomed and tidy hair or for observing occupational health and safety principles. Dear, dear me.

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